Monday, March 23, 2009

Tioday's Training Run

8.5 miles. Powerline ROW to School Trail to Woodcutting Rd to Little Chena Drive extension to Swamp Trail to home. +12 degrees (F) at start and +19 at finish. Toboggan sled with 40# weight plus driver.

Max 14.2 mph
Average 8.3 mph

Just & Grace (Lead)
Rose & Nels
Seamus & Beau (Wheel)

This is the same team I plan to run in the Valley Funale 6-dog race on Saturday. Hook up was easy enough with only 6 dogs. Rose was sideways watching me, but spun around in the proper direction to avoid tangling in her harness when I pulled hooks. Grace scotched at Just quite a bit on start up and well into the first mile of the run, to the point where I was tempted to pull her back into swing and let Rose take the lead. She must have felt my mood, ‘cause she finally settled down and ran nicely for the remainder of the run.

I controlled the launch, then let the team stretch out on the powerline and the main trail. They kept up a fast pace even on the hills. I gave them a 10 to 15 ‘rest’ before hitting the steep ascent up onto the wood cutting road, and another on the first steep incline onto the Little Chena Road extension trail. Those were the only stops on this run.

Rose got onto Nels’ side of the gangline a couple of times, but ducked back under when I asked. Grace still hasn’t figured out the “poop on the run” thing, so stopped the team for a few seconds to take care of her business. Not much I can do for that except run her back in team more often.

Seamus and Beau were marvelous.

In spite of the little glitches, the team wanted to go fast and they did so even with the additional weight in the sled over hilly terrain. We may well win the red lantern, but by golly, I think we can win it in pretty darned good time.

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