Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's Official - Summer is Approaching

Today was the day of the winter solstice, when the tilt of the earth's axis in relation to the sun results in increasinging longer 'days' and shorter 'nights'.  This means our favorite Australian follower can start looking forward to cooler weather and shorter 'days' on the other side of our little planet.  Tomorrow our length of possible day light will increase by 0.8 seconds, a sure sign that the snow will start melting off in about 4 months or so. 

Last night we North Americans enjoyed a total lunar eclipse.  I got only a glimpse of the eclipse before a cover of cloud moved in, obscuring my view.  Nonetheless I used that opportunity to perform my typical solstice ceremonies, giving thanks for the blessings of the past year and offering suggestions for blessings that will flow during this new cycle of seasons.  The next full lunar eclipse visible in Alaska won't happen again until 2014.

Now I'm at my worksite again, and it's a clear sky with a still-full moon and crisp temperatures, albeit considerably warmer than down in the valley.  Life progresses more or less as it should and I'm sure there are more adventures to come.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed your solstice, Swanny. Although it does mean moving the other way for us, just where I am, a change will be good as we are having a tough time lately with record breaking rain and record breaking flood. Many people have suffered great losses. It is good to be able to look forward to a new season. Here's hoping 2011 brings some good things for all. All the best to you for the new year and mushing in 2011 :-)
