Sunday, May 31, 2009

Full Blown Summer

It seems as though green-up kind of lingered for a while this year, but in just the past few days the greenery has all but exploded into full summer verdure. I imagine it's due to the rain of the past few days coupled with over 20 hours of direct sunlight every day.

One of my last tasks before packing up and returning to my place of employment was to fire up the little tractor and mow the grass in my front yard. It didn't take very long to do, but I suspect I'll probably have to repeat the chore when I return home next week. I'll only be home a few hours before boarding a plane for Kentucky and a week of clinical training, but if I don't do it straightaway I'll be returning to a veritable jungle. This morning I noticed that the fireweed shoots are already larger than good eating (fireweed shoots make a nice addition to a salad and can be cooked up into tasty greens), and the yarrow is at a good size for many medicinal purposes.

I spent last weekend at the Alaska Memorial Day Weekend Historical Rendezvous, this year held at Fort Wick near Talkeetna. Although I captured lots of photographs, I didn't bring the right hardware to upload them into my computer, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait a while for images.

I don't really have much to write about, but I did want to get something posted so you would know that I'm still healthy and happy in the midst of the Last Great Frontier.

1 comment:

  1. G'day Swanny - am pleased to see your update. I have been checking in on a regular basis - how do your dogs go when you are away - I guess they all "staying over" with friends - do you see them when you are back in town briefly? I view the Arctic Cam daily - glorious time of the year in Fairbanks!!! Cheers, Terry
