Friday, February 18, 2011

Not Enough Hours...

There just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I need to do today.  I have my ticket to the Yukon Quest finish banquet waiting at the door, but it is starting early this evening, 5:00.  I've asked my handler, Ted, to feed the team tonight and he's agreed.

I still need to do the daily dog chores beforehand, plus a bit extra.  I need to dig out the gate of one of my pens and refresh straw bedding in the houses within.  I still need to charge the battery on my four-wheeler as it's looking like I'll need to plow snow off the driveways.  I still need to make a run to the post office this afternoon, and it doesn't open until 2:00 pm.

I still need to do lots of little things, all of which combined means I probably won't be able to steal away enough time to take a team of dogs out onto the trail today, and that just sucks.

Yesterday evening Mike Ellis and Dave Dalton crossed the Yukon Quest finish line, at 9:11 and 9:19 pm respectively.  Tamara Rose, Kyla Durham and Jerry Joinson all left the Two Rivers checkpoint between 1:50 and 2:30 this morning.  Hank DeBruin is currently at Two Rivers, and is eligible to leave at 8:52.  He may be a bit late, but can reach town in time to make an appearance at the finish banquet.

I'm really looking forward to the banquet.  It has been a grueling race this year, and I want to hear the stories and see the people (and hopefully some of the dogs) who all played such significant roles in it. 

Meanwhile, there are already too few hours in my day - so I'd best get to it....

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the banquet - I expect it will be great to meet the mushers and dogs and hear of some of their adventures - difficult but wonderful successes for so many - please reconfirm that people all around the world follow their efforts!
