Saturday, August 18, 2007

Play Pen Finished

New Play Yard, as Seen From the House

In spite of record-breaking temperatures, I was able to finish the new play yard for the dogs yesterday. The dogs have all enjoyed a taste of the relative freedom to run and play together that the new yard offers.

The new play yard is adjacent to their housing area, and features four different gates. One gate separates the play yard from the main housing yard. The second gate, next to the driveway, offers easy access for doing maintenance and training in the yard as well as access to pull in the dog truck for easy loading and off-loading, and an opportunity to train the dogs to run straight to the truck when released from their tethers. At the opposite end of the play yard, a gate opens up to my training trail. A gate on the south side of the play yard makes it easy to pull in the mower when cutting the grass and weeds, and is in direct line with gates on either side of the main housing yard, giving access to the rear of my property through the various dog yards. The fourth gate gives me direct access to my training trail, and is basically an escape portal into the wilds of Alaska.

All of the dogs had a chance to play in the new yards today, in groups of three. Judging from the fun they were having, I'd say the project was a resounding success.

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