Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sick and Tired...

I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. The dogs need to train, but I don't have the energy to run them and I'm afraid if I push the matter I'll just end up feeling even worse.

I've been able to muster just enough energy to take care of some dogsled maintenance issues. Both of my "modern" sleds now have new heavier duty brush bows, but each of them took at least twice as long as the project should have required.

Today I'm not even tempted to try to go out. I think I'll do my kennel chores and just focus on trying to tidy up my house a bit. I can pick at it, rest when I need to, and hopefully accomplish something other than just sitting around feeling punky.


  1. Hi Swanny, Hope your feeling better soon. Enjoyed all you sled photos and Lynn's photos of the dogs and the teams on the snowy trails. The Nine Dog Winter sounds like an interesting book. Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food...Rest, good food, plenty of fluids, dog yard chores, some dog licks, and you will be feeling better in no time! Happy trails, Dave

  2. Hey Brother. Do you remember Mom's cure all for what ails you? 1 quart of tomatoes, or tomato juice. onion and garlic to taste warmed up. Drink it down and then go to sleep.
    I still dream of those summer days when we would help with the canning of tomatoes. many hands make the job lighter.
