Sunday, April 6, 2008

Exotic Visitor to the ol' Home Place

Here is news from the wild side of life. Yesterday while watering my sled dogs I glanced over to the edge of the woods to spy an VERY unusual visitor. This cock pheasant has been hanging around most of the day. Since pheasants are not indigenous to Alaska you can bet that I was rather startled and fascinated by the bird.

Since he truly is an exotic specie, I can only guess that he was a pen raised bird who escaped captivity. I was sorely tempted to add him to the dinner menu, but what the heck - if he's bold enough to seek his freedom and tough enough to survive an Interior Alaska winter, I think he deserves a chance to explore whatever fate may offer. Who knows, maybe a hen escaped with him, which might lead to many more tasty meals in the future.

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